XD so cute!

Art Portfolio


December 30, 2008 12:03pm
Just wanted to put some of my artwork up here so the blog looks prettier. Some of the better stuff I am submitting to colleges right now, so I compiled it all on the computer finally. =)

Art done with Paint on Facebook's superwall:
I know he looks creepy but he is just a character fromt the game Exalted - Fantasy. My bf plays those games (like dungeons and dragons but better)

And i copied a picture from disney's design but its still on paint. Facebook superwall actually, like the one above.

Art on my Camera Phone: Sharky


Lays in negative

Tape Sculpture:

Fruit Bowl

My Rope Sculpture:

Rope Sculpture I made years ago in summer at a school that housed an arts camp. They wanted to keep it up during the school year ^.^
It's done with hemp string and hangs rocks that are broken in half.

Art in Digital Photography:

Leaf Skeleton

Outlining the Snow

my little cousin Lucy

Art in Paint and Pencil:

Detail picture of a Sea wall sketch i drew. I loove sketching rocks.

Photos of my Shell sculpture in the sand:

Photos of my wood sculpture done under the inspiration of Louise Nevelson:
Time travel

Moth sculpture:


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