XD so cute!

Introduction, Dec 3

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Wed, December 3

Hello, my name is Natalie and I wanted to start a blog because I reallllly need another way to procrastinate.

I'm a college prep school kilt-klad elder-teen yr old in the middle of her college applications.

I neatly fit among most teen categories of the nerd, the freak, the shy one, the artist, the athlethe.. however I'm different from other girls at my school raised through catholic private school or public school. I went to a... different kind of school before the catholic one I attend now as a senior.

I like to dance and party but I don't abuse substances. I'm pretty straight-edge. Though I am not a virgin, I am also not a slut, but a romantic, dedicated and loyal lover.
My boyfriend and I have gone out for a year and two months today.
We made some pretty bad decisions when we first started going out -

We met at an anime reunion beach party. He was the big and strong scary emo looking one sitting on a picnic benck by the seawall. My friend Shannon got talking to him. We the three of us talked. He asked her out apparently. Drove her home.

They went on a date together but nothing really clicked so, as I had asked for his aim, I started our IM conversation that would last pretty much three months until I got sick with mono for another three months from the lack of sleep. >.>

Anyway, our first real date had been in.. September, not long after we met. There was the whole awkward hand-holding on my part, pipe sword fighting on the beach, dinner at a restaurant, return to beach, and our first kiss at sunset. Unfortunately my curfew had been eight pm at the time, and we had been on the beach and 'kissing' until eleven. I made up a lie to my parents about why I was late, because I had not known how they would have reacted and thought lying to be the easier way out. I hate lying now.

(He asked me to October 3rd around midnight, the day after my birthday.)

I eventually told my parents because I had felt guilt, and so I learned from it, right? No, I kept seeing Mike in secret because more than once a week is just way to much!! for my parents =c Anyway, things are getting easier over time.

LoVe wiLl FinD a WaY!!!!!

I never saw the point of blogging, but maybe to me it can be a way of getting out my emotions safely? Yupp ill try that


Badgers are my favorite animals, as is obvious. My totem =)


Cunning badger of the forest,

Guide me to wisdom, truth and light.

All injustices against me,

Wipe clean the slate and set them right.


Traits of the Badger Totem:

Aggressiveness, Reliance, Self-Expression

The power of the Badger totem is its aggressiveness
and the willingness to fight for what it wants.
This aggression can also be turned
to healing - for Badger is the keeper
of Earth's healing herbs.

Badger people are quick to express their feelings
with concern for the consequences.
They are often healers who have the courage to use unconventional methods. Badger has the ability to persist to find a cure.

Badger people are often leaders and bosses,
the one who will get the job done.

If you have a Badger as a totem, you are comfortable in your own skin and very self-reliant.

Badger anger can get your out of apathy,
but be careful not to cut yourself (or others) to ribbons.
Badger is a powerful totem when used properly.

Physics report:

Ancient Greek architects were on to something when they built the Parthenon with subtle curves and no right angles. While it remains debatable, some scholars argue that these features were intended to counter the brain's tendency to see optical illusions. -Rick Kates


Richardsonian style in architecture is one of my favorites: romanesque revival!!

Richardsonian Romanesque

Examples and Writing about the
Style and History

Richardsonian Romanesque is a style of American architecture named after architect Henry Hobson Richardson , whose masterpiece is Trinity Church, Boston (1872–77)

<--- I've been here with my parents on a family trip! =D beautiful gardens too.

**Romanesque houses usually have many of these features: **

  • Rough-faced, square stones used for walls
  • Round towers with cone-shaped roofs

  • Columns and pilasters with spirals and leaf designs

  • Low, broad "Roman" arches over doorways
  • Patterned masonry arches over windows
INTERIOR that I like

From the Thomas Crane Library:

I always fall in love with old architecture. Like really-wicked-old-and-falling-apart architecture. I blame my parents V.V they both are architects.

VICTORIAN houses and CASTLES are my dream houses. I like to sketch floorplans in my O' so abundant free time.

I guess... I am basing my final college choice (because I am currently at a three-way tie for lead) on the buildings of the campus. It is not worth it to buy an ugly residence I will have to stare at for four years just when I can surround each day with heaven and bliss. Not that Vassar Hamilton or Middlebury is ugly! XP God they are all gorgeous landmarks.
Anyway, Whenever I go anywhere new, like to a college campus, I have to carry my camera everywhere with me, and it's practically surgically attached to my face. Speaking of surgically attaching... Horns. I love them.

I'll continue more on that subject later. =) ta ta for now!


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